
Morelli Ministries

Offering Hope to the Poor
and Powerless

While on the streets of Honduras we noticed a very young girl begging. We asked her, “Why are you on the streets all by yourself begging for money?” She replied, “My mother and grandmother make me beg and if I don’t return with $200 Limpira ($4 USD) they will not give me any food to eat.”

As hard as I try, there is no way to describe the living conditions of most of the people to whom we minister. I look at children here in the States, laughing, playing, wanted, loved, and then I think of little children living in severe poverty. Their reality is they are born into a harsh world, growing up without hope, without a future, without food, and mostly without the opportunity to hear of Jesus.

The Poor and Powerless

The cruel truth is – these precious people are the most vulnerable: vulnerable to hunger, neglect, sexual exploitation, demonic attacks, shame, and most terribly, eternal damnation without Christ.

Every human person is made in God’s image and therefore deserves daily bread; at least the crumbs that fall from our rich tables. They just want hope for a better future, a full belly, a warm hug, but they succumb to a fate of begging and poverty, imprisoned in spiritual darkness.

When there is such an urgent need to present the Gospel and feed the starving, it is the Lord who opens the door for us to do good works.

Jesus gave us a great promise and an even greater reward!

You Will Be Blessed
You Will Be Repaid

“When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous” (Lk. 14:13).

I was hungry and naked. YOU gave me food and clothed me.

I was lonely and abused. YOU befriended me and protected me

I was cold and destitute. YOU gave me a blanket and warm food.

I was afraid, living in the streets. YOU comforted me and gave me shelter.

We have lifted up our eyes and we see the ripened fields of the poor and powerless and we have taken responsibility to reap! We are shining the Light of the resurrected Christ into the darkness. We are evangelizing and feeding the poor, and challenging evil at the gates of hell!

Come join us with your prayers and gifts in this holy cause.